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Transformation Tuesday - "It also cleared my skin a lot & gave me way more energy!"

We are delighted to celebrate this transformation today! Niamh sent in her before and after picture of her results after two 14 Day Teatoxes. She seemed excited to tell us she lost an incredible 7lbs and can fit into UK size 8 again (US size 4)! We are excited for her - 7lbs is an admirable loss and we are really pleased for Niamh!

"I found it so helpful. It cleared my skin and gave me way more energy than before I started taking it! I'm definitely going to do it again as it's a great motivation to improve your diet and fitness regime!

The Bootea Teaox is not just a quick fix tea that drops weight off you even if you're still eating fast food and lots of chocolate. We at Bootea really believe in encouraging you to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including eating healthy, sensible portion sizes and combining it with a good amount of fun exercise. 

We realise you are probably not going to be taking Bootea all the time for the rest of your life so we want to help you reach your initial goals, and then you can go away with give the knowledge and experience of adopting a healthy lifetsyle, so that you can continue to stay healthy and in turn live a much longer and better quality of life! We believe in little steps, as you won't find it fun if you starve yourself and take away all the foods you really love - most of the time this will just make you unhappy and end up going back to how you were. We agree with Niamh who told us this: "My tips for anyone considering doing it, don't cut out junk food all at once, wean yourself off it and have a treat every now and again!" - this is a great tip, but remember to ensure treats are only 'every now and again'. You can also experiment with smaller portions such as a few chunks of dark chocolate as opposed to a full bar, or cook yourself some healthy treats that satisfy your sweet cravings. Check out the free eating plan you get with the Bootea Teatox here to prepare your cupboards for an amazing transformation! 

Niamh combined the Bootea Teatox with exercise every 2-3 days focusing a lot on the abdominal area, but you can get a full body workout with our Fitness Plan here. 

We really hope stories like Niamh's inspire you to reach your body goals. We are here for you and you are welcome to contact us at any time via our contact us page on our website for advice, support or even just a boost of encouragement! We'd love to hear from you :)




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